
Boy is Back!

Today while working at a n emergency post in the city Boy suprised me! Apparently he showed up to the hospital a day early than they were supposed to! Adrenne showed him where i was, and she even came and took a photo of the moment when I saw him! It's so nice that she used her film on me! But I am so thankful for it! We also took a picture of us in our nurse uniforms, I am the one on the right, Adrienne is in the middle, and our head nurse Elizabeth is on the left! Boy told me that someday this month the German were prepared to attack. Thats why they are here in America to get a whole new ship load of supplies. Hitler's target is the common people. Ever since World War 1 Germany has been a low power and he is trying to eliminate all the super powers in Europe and maybe the world. That doesn't really sound good for and of the countries i occupy...
But make no waste of time while he is here. Boy is staying two more days than the ship is back off the Europe. How I wish that this war would have never started. I could have
been in Deauville with my shop and my love, doing what I love, making clothes. All I can do now is enjoy my time with Boy and prey for the best when he leaves!

I am making a diffrence!

Today, some of the nurses and I enlisted in the Woman's Army Corps (WAC). Most of their husbands and lovers are fighting in the war, and we want to do all that we can to help them! The mail came in yesterday and Boy sent me a letter that he is coming to America in about a month! I will be counting down the days until he gets here. A lot of French army men are shipping in to pick up weapons and supplies. But they get to stay for a day or two, so that means time with Boy, oh how i miss him dearly. I also got a letter from my workers in France from the shop in Deauville. Women are restless for clothes, and the girls have been using jersey in the designs like there's no tomorrow. I think that this is a trend waiting to happen. Adrienne received a brand new camera from her husband last night as well. Its very interesting I've never seen a personal camera outside a photoshoot! But we cherish the film, so not many pictures will be taken. Right now the hospital has been fairly quiet, probably because all the men are over in Europe fighting. We get the occasional woman injured by machine from the factory or young soldier being trained with weapons who burns himself. But otherwise all is very quiet on this side of the ocean.


I am a nurse!

Today I started my new job as a nurse of the war! There are 24 of us in my unit and we took a group photo today! I am the one in the top row 3 over from the left and Adrianne is on my left. We are both super excited to be working here to help out the war effort and it wounldn't be possible if I didn't see that poster a few days ago when I got off the ship! The new store in the city is also doing well. Some Military men took a picture in front of it today! I'm posting the picture of me and my nurses unit and also the picture the Military took! They bought a lot of things for their wives and lovers back home. A French man came into the hospital today, and I was the only one there who spoke French! It was good to see what was going on at home.. I miss it though and I miss Boy.
I hope he is doing okay!

In America!

We just arrived her into America and the business here is very slow. Probably because all the woman are working in place of their husbands. I saw a poster today asking help from woman nurses. I've always had a passion for helping people, so I think I will enlist into being an army nurse, if I can't help in France and they will let me help in America than I shall do so! But I will also keep tabs on the first Chanel store in America in New York City as well. I feel Boy will be proud of my services to the war and not just focusing on clothes the whole time!

More people= more buisiness.

A whole lot of people appeared in Deauville today, mostly sophisticated woman and children. We had a lot of business today in the store. Woman buying lighter clothes for the warmer weather. I experimented with jersey all last week and think I made some life changing items. Flow-y more loose clothes that allowed woman to move. And the fact that the fabric was made out of what our undergarments are made of is so comfortable! Next week my friend, Adrianne and I are traveling to America. For business and safety. Boy found one of the last passenger ships for us to travel on and we will stay there for a good while. The Deauville shop will be closing because right here right now, there is no time for fashion. But I will be keeping tabs on the America store!


The War Begins.

Today I was at my store in Deauville. The place seemed rather empty, since the war just broke out yesterday. But by letter by Adrienne I learned that many army wives are fleeting to Duville and Biarritz. No fabric is available except jersey which has been sent to me by the yards. I expect many women to come in to the store in the next weeks crying about the war, being scared about their husbands and everything else. Boy Capel left for war two weeks ago and I miss him dearly, so at least I will have something to relate to them. I am going to experiment with this jersey fabric; it is rather light and could make something incredible!