
I am making a diffrence!

Today, some of the nurses and I enlisted in the Woman's Army Corps (WAC). Most of their husbands and lovers are fighting in the war, and we want to do all that we can to help them! The mail came in yesterday and Boy sent me a letter that he is coming to America in about a month! I will be counting down the days until he gets here. A lot of French army men are shipping in to pick up weapons and supplies. But they get to stay for a day or two, so that means time with Boy, oh how i miss him dearly. I also got a letter from my workers in France from the shop in Deauville. Women are restless for clothes, and the girls have been using jersey in the designs like there's no tomorrow. I think that this is a trend waiting to happen. Adrienne received a brand new camera from her husband last night as well. Its very interesting I've never seen a personal camera outside a photoshoot! But we cherish the film, so not many pictures will be taken. Right now the hospital has been fairly quiet, probably because all the men are over in Europe fighting. We get the occasional woman injured by machine from the factory or young soldier being trained with weapons who burns himself. But otherwise all is very quiet on this side of the ocean.

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