
I am a nurse!

Today I started my new job as a nurse of the war! There are 24 of us in my unit and we took a group photo today! I am the one in the top row 3 over from the left and Adrianne is on my left. We are both super excited to be working here to help out the war effort and it wounldn't be possible if I didn't see that poster a few days ago when I got off the ship! The new store in the city is also doing well. Some Military men took a picture in front of it today! I'm posting the picture of me and my nurses unit and also the picture the Military took! They bought a lot of things for their wives and lovers back home. A French man came into the hospital today, and I was the only one there who spoke French! It was good to see what was going on at home.. I miss it though and I miss Boy.
I hope he is doing okay!

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