
Boy is Back!

Today while working at a n emergency post in the city Boy suprised me! Apparently he showed up to the hospital a day early than they were supposed to! Adrenne showed him where i was, and she even came and took a photo of the moment when I saw him! It's so nice that she used her film on me! But I am so thankful for it! We also took a picture of us in our nurse uniforms, I am the one on the right, Adrienne is in the middle, and our head nurse Elizabeth is on the left! Boy told me that someday this month the German were prepared to attack. Thats why they are here in America to get a whole new ship load of supplies. Hitler's target is the common people. Ever since World War 1 Germany has been a low power and he is trying to eliminate all the super powers in Europe and maybe the world. That doesn't really sound good for and of the countries i occupy...
But make no waste of time while he is here. Boy is staying two more days than the ship is back off the Europe. How I wish that this war would have never started. I could have
been in Deauville with my shop and my love, doing what I love, making clothes. All I can do now is enjoy my time with Boy and prey for the best when he leaves!

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